Sunday, March 30, 2008

Stop pretending you're not the Bride of Satan

Her relatives are here. It's one middle-aged couple, their late-20's or early-30's daughter, her husband, and their child. They seem pretty nice, and I can't blame them for the sins of their (distant... or whatever) relative.

They pulled into our driveway shortly after we got home. We said hi briefly and went upstairs. (I mean, we're not going to be rude but I'm not going to start talking about how baseball season [or whatever] is going either.) Also, when we arrived in the house at the same time as Her guests, She looked over at us, SMILED, and said "hi"... what a fake! I heard the middle-aged woman exclaim how big the house is and how nice that is for HER. (Yuck. I doubt She told them that it's Her dead husband's dead first wife's house.) She had prepared food, and Her relatives asked why "the girls" (us) weren't eating. She calls us down to eat (which obviously hasn't happened in... forever), we decline, and we hear Her make an excuse about how we are so American and that we don't like Korean food.

Later, they are eating dessert, and She calls down, "Anny! Clara! Eat cake and een-sah (say hi, pay respect, etc)!" That seriously pissed me off because she was telling us to een-sah as if we were being rude and doing something wrong. Clara replied, "Rosa. We are PACKING. Because you told us to leave the house." She looked flustered because... there really was no way to argue that.

Idiot. I hope Her relatives know that She is a two-faced bitch.

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