Friday, March 28, 2008

Liar liar, pants on fire

Clara went to R.O.S.A. this morning because she wanted to ask her something about the last tax return for the building. Then, Clara asked her why she was at home and not at her supposed church meeting. Flustered, R.O.S.A. responded that she canceled the meeting because she and her church people "got everything done last night." Then apparently she kept elaborating and also made it seem like the meeting was just canceled.

Changing of details? Flustering? I SMELL A LIAR!

(Sheesh, if you're going to lie, at least leave the house for two hours in the morning to pretend like you had something to do. She can't even keep her lies straight.)

It bugs me because she doesn't even have the gall to admit that she's scared of committing to a meeting. Not even a DECISION... a MEETING.

Furthermore, she told Clara that she is having some relatives over our house this weekend whom she hasn't seen in 30 years. They don't know about Dad or the fire, so she wants to tell them in person.


1. If you haven't seen them in 30 years, why are they visiting now?

2. If they are your relatives, how could they not know about YOUR HUSBAND'S DEATH FROM A YEAR AGO? Wouldn't other relatives have told them?

The most logical thing that comes to mind is that these relatives maybe want to see what R.O.S.A. has inherited although since they supposedly don't know about Dad's death... it just seems really fishy, and none of these details add up.

Also, R.O.S.A. agreed to us that we could take whatever is "ours" and our mother's, aka our furniture in our room (duh, our parents bought it for us) and Mom's stuff (notably dishware). In the will, my dad technically gave her all the furnishings but R.O.S.A. has told us repeatedly in the past that we could have everything since it is all our parents' and she doesn't want it. (Although I think things have changed since she wants to supposedly rent the house out.) So I think she will probably keep most of the furniture (although she agreed we'd give some of our furniture to our cousins on our dad's side), but we are definitely taking our mom's stuff (most of which doesn't get used now anyway since it's fancy dishware and everything). And obviously, anything in our rooms is our stuff anyway, and we've been working adults for awhile now and buying most of our things anyway.

Oh yes, and our lawyers are annoyed that she is uncooperative. Our Korean lawyer said that as of yesterday he had not hear from HER lawyer. Annoying.

More to come.

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