Tuesday, March 18, 2008

3/18/08 - More insurance

Clara met with Business Adjuster and New CNA Insurance Guy. (They replaced the old one because he didn't have as much experience with a cleaners.) Clara got one of the checks from State Farm and deposited it.

Last night, Clara gave a list of the inventory that we still have in stock to Rosa and asked her to highlight items six months from the day of the fire. She'd previously told Clara that she'd help out in ways that don't involve the computer (since she doesn't know how to operate the computer that undocumented laborers with a rudimentary knowledge of English and an elementary school education know how to use), so Clara asked her to highlight those items. This morning when Clara asked for the list back, Rosa gave it back to her but hadn't marked up the packet at all.


Clara would've said something but had to go.

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