Sunday, March 30, 2008


Today, my sister and She went through some stuff in the kitchen to clearly determine which stuff is our mother's and which stuff was bought post-Her marriage. (Notice that I didn't say "Her stuff"... because my mother worked and contributed to the business and therefore earned household money while She only spends it without actually working.)

Ridiculous thing #1: She told my sister, "Don't take the [Cutco] knives. Your dad bought those for me." I used to work (like everyone else) at Vector (for like a month... just enough time to get my dad and some other relatives to feel sorry for me and make a purchase). If anything, my dad bought those for ME... to make me feel like I was good at my first "real" job (gag), the way parents buy Girl Scout cookies to help their daughters win more badges. I can't believe that She would argue that he bought them for Her. Granted, I'm not going to argue for a few knives (which was actually very excellent quality), but Clara didn't even bring up the topic; SHE did because She wants to get anything worth anything in value for Herself. Anyway, Clara pointed it out that my dad bought them because of me, but She replied that our dad didn't tell us (daughters) everything and that there was a lot we didn't know. GAG! Yeah, right.

Ridiculous thing #2: She told my sister that She wanted the treadmill. Uh... the treadmill that my dad bought because I went on a crazy exercise binge in 2002? The treadmill that only I in the household ever used? Neither She nor my dad ever... EVER used the treadmill. Again, Clara did not bring up the treadmill... She brought it up first to ensure that we 'understood' that or something. (Why would we ask about it? Who our age has room for a treadmill in their apartment?) She probably only wants it so She can sell it because She's greedy.

Ridiculous thing #3: She told my sister that once the insurance stuff was done, She wanted the store computers back in the house. My sister tried to explain, "They're not JUST yours. They're all of ours. They're 1/3 for each of us. We'll discuss it when it's done." Then She kept arguing (without listening) that She wanted them back. This makes ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE because Her own reasoning for NOT CONTRIBUTING to the insurance process is that She does not know how to use the computers, but She just wants anything of value. (Repeat... IF THE SEWING MACHINES GO MISSING, SHE PROBABLY TOOK THEM.)

She is so ridiculous. I'm going to vomit now.

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