Sunday, March 16, 2008

3/12/08 - Meeting for the BUSINESS

11:30 - Meeting with L.G. of F&L (same adjusting company) and a rep from CNA, our insurance company for the business. (Rosa asks me if we have separate insurance for building and business. I say yes.)

CNA Guy asks us a lot of questions. Omar is able to help us with many of the answers since he's been at the store longer. At one point, the five of us (CNA, Adjuster, Rosa, Clara, me) are standing in a circle as L.G. and CNA read aloud the different categories of insurance we have (policies that cover machinery, clothing, personal possessions, etc.) and after about 20 minutes of going down the list, Rosa asks aloud, "What kind of insurance do we have?" to which L.G. somewhat impatiently replies, "We just went over this."

Also, the fire investigators were there that day. There was a yellow sign posted on the deli that said "EVIDENCE" and instructed people not to touch anything. The fire investigator gave us a copy of the police report from Sunday. It listed me as the landlord, Omar as the manager, Kike as the deli owner, and some guy I didn't know as a witness (who was probably there before I got to the scene). Omar nicely went to the main street to make copies for us.

When he got back, and we looked at it, everything seemed to be okay. CNA (who admitted he didn't have much experience in dry cleaning, something that Adjuster had casually mentioned to us), Adjuster, and we all say goodbye. Adjuster reminds us that the Inventory Guy from her company (uh, is this okay?) is going to come tomorrow to write everything down.

As we leave, we notice that Omar's car is right by Rosa's car on the side of the building. We dismiss it, figuring that if it's anything important, Omar will tell us.

Sure enough, later he calls us to just let us know that Rosa privately freaked out that I was listed as the landlord. She is worried that the check will be made out to MY name (does she not know how things work in life?) and thinks I'm trying to ruin her life or something when in reality she is trying to ruin mine. Omar explained it was only my name because I was there that night. (I mean, that's not even like that official!)

Oh yeah... note... police report noted that Kike did not call 911 and that he tried to take out the fire himself. Because he's an idiot.

I also bought a fire extinguisher that night for the house. Woo.

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