Saturday, December 29, 2007

12/29/07 - Rent update

Sister got $800 yesterday. $1,200 still due.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

12/27/07 - Rent update

Sister went to Tenant yesterday to ask him about the money. He didn't have it. Said he'd try to have it for us today.

Sister went to Tenant today. Tenant said, "We failed" because a certain customer didn't show up. He said maybe he'd have $1,000 for us tomorrow.

Really? Really? Maybe tomorrow? Oh, goody! Two weeks late! And next month's rent is due in two weeks too!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

12/18/07 - Rent update

18:35 - Managed to finagle $80 from Tenant. I asked if I were going to get the rest of the rent before Christmas. He replied, "I think so."

Uh... rent is due on the 10th.

Friday, December 14, 2007

12/14/07 - Rent update

18:45 - Received slightly less than one-quarter of the rent in cash. Tenant says he'll give me the rest before 19:00.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

12/13/07 - Rent update

16:25 - It's Thursday. Tenant just came to talk to me. He "gave me [his] word" that he will give me half the rent tomorrow. He said he hopes to give me the second half by the weekend but isn't sure if he'll make a lot of money due to the snow.

Big surprise.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

12/11/07 - Rent

15:47 - Just spoke with Tenant. (Rent was due yesterday but I didn't speak with him until today.) He said he's going to give me everything in cash by the end of the day on Thursday. I asked him if he was just going to give me half or the whole thing. He said the whole thing.

RK has been out all of last week and told me she's going to be out all of this week. She's "recovering" from her accident.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

11/17/07 - Second rent payment

16:45 - Just received the second portion of the rent in cash via RK.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

11/10/07 - Rent

Just got back from next door. Tenant gave me slightly less than half the rent in cash. He said he'd give me the rest this coming week. :-P I guess I should be grateful that I got anything at all. He said, "I could give you a check but you know what would happen." (Yeah, duh.)

Monday, November 5, 2007

10/29/07 - More rent update

I forgot to mention that a week ago, a bounced check notice came in the mail. I didn't write about it because I knew it was coming since Tenant gave us the cash.

INTERESTINGLY, today, we received a notice from the bank saying that our cash deposit (Tenant's cash) did not post. I have no idea why. This has never happened before. To be continued...

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

10/23/07 - Latest rent update

I deposited Tenant's check on Monday (yesterday) around 1 p.m. (I asked him repeatedly if it were okay to deposit the check. He said yes.)

Today at 5:10 p.m., RK gives me an envelope full of cash. She says that Tenant doesn't want me to deposit the check... well, duh, if he gave it to me on Saturday, obviously I would've deposited by now. She says that now Tenant is going to give us cash all the time because his checks and his word mean excrement. (Cash covered the bounce fee.)

Excitedly awaiting another bounced check notice.


Friday, October 19, 2007

10/19/07 - Received check

6 p.m. - Just came back from talking to Tenant. He said, "You were here yesterday?" I affirmed; he wondered why his workers didn't give me the check. I said that they didn't give me anything.

Received a check for the remainder (not including late fees because I pretty much gave up on collecting his late fees). He says I can deposit the check tomorrow without a problem. Also said that if I prefer cash, he'd give me the cash by Tuesday. I just took the check. Will deposit tomorrow.

Also requested to talk to RK regarding certain paperwork he needs since Tenant just changed the name of his store. RK didn't come to the store today.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

10/18/07 - Latest update

5:15 p.m. - Went next door to see if Tenant was there. (I gave him an extra day before asking him again.) The workers said that he wasn't there, and sure enough, his car isn't in the lot.


Monday, October 15, 2007

10/15/07 - More excuses

5:40 p.m. - Tenant just left. He saw me and asked for RK (because he knows she's more lenient). Told RK that he intended to pay the rest of the rent today but asked for "approximately two more days" to pay the rest.


Friday, October 12, 2007

10/12/07 - Latest rent excuse

6 p.m. - Just went next door. Tenant told me that he told "The Lady" (RK, who didn't work today) that they made a deal and that he would work through the weekend to pay us on Monday.

I want to reiterate that the 10th is not actually the day that the rent is due. The 10th is the ABSOLUTE last day that the rent is supposed to be due. Therefore, he is reneging on his pathetic excuse that he would pay rent by the 10th with more excuses. I am pretty sure that Tenant is lying about his "deal" with "The Lady" but I tried calling RK, and she didn't pick up her phone.


Thursday, October 11, 2007

10/11/07 - Received first part of rent

5:15 p.m. - Received (via RK) slightly less than half of the rent in cash. Tenant said he'd give us the rest tomorrow morning, even though he said he'd give it to us today. Checked the bills with the new counterfeit pen... they are all good.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

10/10/07 - Rent update

6:05 p.m. - Just talked to Tenant. He said that he just talked to RK and they "made a deal." Rent tomorrow... in cash.

10/8/07 - Rent reminder

7 p.m. - Reminded Tenant as I was leaving that rent is due in two days. He pretended not to hear me.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

9/18/07 - Second payment received

11 a.m. - Just received second half of the rent (in cash) right now from Tenant via RK. I was supposed to have it by yesterday late evening, but Tenant told RK that he'd have it for us by the next day (today).

Saturday, September 15, 2007

9/15/07 - Bounced check update

5 p.m. - Just spoke with Tenant. He gave me half the rent in cash just now and claims he'll give me the rest on Monday afternoon "because [he] has a doctor's appointment Monday morning and [he's] struggling." Not sure if he were talking about his health, his store, or his conscience. Meanwhile, I'm holding onto the original check.


11:40 a.m. - JUST received Tenant's rent check back from Chase. It bounced. (Big surprise.) Went to go look for Tenant but Gopher Employee said that he doesn't know where Tenant is nor when he'd be back.

Monday, September 10, 2007

9/10/07 - Deposited check

Deposited rent check for September today. Received it two days ago on Saturday (8 Sep) at 6:05 p.m. Hoping it does not bounce.

(Will update about August rent later. I haven't been disciplined about this.)

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

7/17/07 - Gross Guy

11:30 - Gross Guy (who shares his first name with a crazy comedian on a current NBC sitcom and a formerly anorexic actress who appeared on a 1980's ABC sitcom, and whose last name is a type of ring that changes color to reflect its wearer's current disposition) dropped off some stuff today. He reached across the counter and tried to hold my hand (I jerked it back, like I normally do) and asked, "So are you going to give me a kiss?" to which I gave him a very mean stare. Then he said, "So I guess I'm not getting a kiss?"

This guy is gross. He's asked me out and made comments to me before, and I question his sanity. He's 34 and drives a big red truck and has a red cell phone. Normally wears a backwards baseball hat and sunglasses. Claims that he has four sisters and therefore understands women's boundaries but his actions would suggest otherwise.

Monday, July 16, 2007

7/16/07 - Tenant's check bounced

10:38 - Mail carrier JUST arrived. Received notice from Chase that Tenant's rent check (which I deposited a week ago on the 10th, as per his request) bounced. Tenant is currently not present in the store.

Current status: awaiting deluge of excuses.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

7/10/07 - Deposited check

This morning, I deposited Tenant's rent check, as per his request that I didn't deposit it until at least Monday. I waited until today in case he wasn't able to deposit Saturday's funds until Monday morning.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

7/07/07 - Tenant's rent check via RK

15:05 - JUST received rent check from Tenant. (I got it from RK who went to see Tenant to talk about liquor license stuff.) The check is the full correct amount, but it is dated 7/09/07. Tenant told RK that since they were closed on Fourth of July, there wasn't enough business (which IMHO is ridiculous because it's not like they should make up one month's rent in one week). Tenant told RK not to deposit until Monday because he will then have deposited enough... which is strange since banks are usually closed on Saturdays, so when will he be able to deposit enough cash?

Also. Junior asked me last Tuesday if we were going to be open on Wednesday (Fourth of July). I said no and asked whether he'd be open. He said, "Yes, we're always open. No vacation for us!"

Somebody is lying here.

16:10 - Asked Manager soon after if Next Door was open on the Fourth. Manager affirmed then laughed when I repeated Tenant's story to him.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

6/27/07 - Tenant

Tenant came to the store today (16:40) to ask if RK was here (she wasn't) and when she'd be back next. I shrugged. Tenant wants to talk to her about taking his partner's name off the lease. Manager asked if Tenant was present at his store when RK was here this morning because she stopped at his store to look for him. Tenant said that he was not.

(Tenant had asked Manager yesterday afternoon to ask me when RK would be there next so he could discuss this issue with her.)

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

6/12/07 - Tenant via Manager

Manager enters store at 15:05 and informs me that Tenant had just told him that he (Tenant) had just checked his bank account. Check has apparently cleared.

Monday, June 11, 2007

6/11/07 - Tenant via Manager

Manager just came back from next door (about 5:40 p.m.) to buy me and Sister some Red Bulls. He was laughing and mentioned that upon entering next door, Tenant exclaimed, "I paid the rent!" Manager asked, "So is it going to bounce?" to which Tenant replied, "I hope it doesn't!"

(If Tenant doesn't know if there is sufficient money for the check to clear, that probably means that there is not.)

6/11/07 - Junior

Tenant's son (aka "Junior") JUST dropped off a bill (around 10:45 a.m.) that the mail carrier accidentally brought to him. Asked if the girl in the store with me is my sister (I said yes). Asked how my "mom" (RK) is doing and mentioned that she was in the store the other day (presumably when I'd asked her to go talk to his father about the rent). I'm wondering if Junior was referring to the rent at all, and I'm wondering if he knows that the check his father gave me was a bad one.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

6/08/07 - Tenant

Around 7 p.m. after closing, I went next door to ask Tenant if he had this month's rent. I'd asked RK the previous day to politely remind him that rent was due this week.

He pulls out a pre-written check in an envelope from a drawer and hands the envelope to me. (Which is annoying because if he'd already written the check, why did he wait for ME to go to HIM? He should know to just give me the rent!) I look over the check and notice that the date written on the check is 7/08/07. I point this out to him, and he replies, "No... that is today's date." He insisted this about twice until I said, "Look... this says JULY." Finally he takes a pen and writes a bold "6" over the "7" and initials it with a K (the first initial of his nickname which a bank teller would obviously not know).

Sister deposited the check today in the morning (Saturday). The last two months, Tenant paid the rent completely in cash since the last few checks have bounced. Manager asked me today if I'd gotten the rent from him, and I tell him the story about the wrong date. Manager laughs and comments that DA probably did that purposely so that I would not be able to deposit the money and therefore he would have a few more days to come up with the cash.

(I believe this as well.)

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Purpose of this blog

So the purpose of this blog is to have one place where I can have potentially useful information for the future in the case of my death or mental incapacitation (as the result of some mysterious "accident").

Since I started working at the business, I feel like there are a good amount of people who might not like me. And they seem sort of mentally instable. So this is just my log of stuff that has happened in case I need to refer to it in the future.

That's pretty much it!