Monday, April 7, 2008

Attempts to meet

My sister and I went back to the house again to pick up some more stuff and tidy up some more. We did not encounter Her the entire time. But my sister dropped off some tulips either Thursday or Friday for Her birthday sort of as a peace offering, and we saw the tulips in a vase in the living room. :-P

I called Her cell phone at one point to ask when She was coming home because we want to talk to Her in person just because it's ridiculous to be paying the lawyers for each time we meet (not that Her lawyer contacted our lawyers yet, as She promised over a week ago). But we figure we'll try to talk to Her in person and get everything out in the open just so we're not paying off all the life insurance to attorneys.

So I call Her at church, and She says that She won't be back home until very late at night. (Which is annoying because honestly... WOULDN'T A NORMAL PERSON MAKE TIME IN HER SCHEDULE FOR THIS, i.e., figuring out what to do next, instead of avoiding us?) She says that She's free tomorrow (Monday) night to talk because She'll be at home. I say fine. A little while later, I figure that I should probably attend my company softball game for morale or whatever, so I call Her to reschedule.

She picks up and says, "Anny? Can we do it on Tuesday? I'm busy tomorrow." I'm like... WERE YOU GOING TO CALL ME? Clearly She knew She was going to cancel because that's how She literally answered the phone. I kept asking, "Were you going to call us?" but She just avoids the question and pretends like She doesn't know what I'm talking about. Anyway, we schedule for Tuesday and then She agrees and then She says, "Oh wait, I have a meeting on Tuesday at church." I ask, "Can we do it WEDNESDAY?" and She says yes, and then I ask Her to please call me if She realizes She can't do it Wednesday. I ask her this about four times to make sure She understands. I THINK that maybe She understands. Then She asked me to call Her on Tuesday to remind Her. I said, "IT'S OKAY TO CALL ME IF YOU HAVE TO CANCEL."


Let's see what Her excuse is now...

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